Marilyn Wright Dayton's Books ~ Flash Fiction, Memoir & Genealogy
I have always loved fiction. It has the power to enlarge our humanity. It can show us other faces of suffering, can change our perspective with new ideas and experiences. And through fiction, we can bear witness to a democracy in writing, of opening ourselves up to all the discomforts of contrary perceptions, feelings, guilts, improprieties of thought, and working through them somehow with language to find some sort of fact. Something may happen and be a lie, another thing may not happen and seem truer than the truth. It's as if both writer and reader are trying to get at actuality, whether it is a real occurrence or not.
And so, I share with you fictional short stories I have written over many years. They talk of four friends in a nursing home who solve mysteries. There are stories of murder on the Bayou, complete with the Cajun lingo...very fun to say out loud. Two of the stories are more of a reflection of life in a different place with a different time. Time travel? Fiction? Maybe, maybe not. I hope you enjoy these stories, that take you away to somewhere interesting, somewhere different, away from your daily thoughts and dreams. Travel with me through the Tales of Life, Mystery & Murder!
Click on the Book Cover to see Promo Video Now available in Kindle too. ORDER HERE
Copyright 2015-2025 by Marilyn Wright Dayton
Contact her at
GENEALOGY: "Our Roots Run Deep", the wRightSide Family History
Through many plastic totes of information, I was able to trace our family directly back to the days of the Vikings, through the Norman Conquest, the War of 1066, and so much more. Inside this book are included also many historical aspects that show what life was like during each time period. There is even a branch of our family that goes back to Eric the Forester. He was the brother of Eric the Red, and uncle to Leif Ericson (Eric's son) who originally discovered North America.
This book was 50 years in the making, a labor of love and dedication to our family, my father's ancestors, the Wrights. How proud I am of him, as he found a link to life that was beyond his dreams, and beyond mine.
Click on the book cover on the left and see the video.
Everyone should do genealogical research. It opens your eyes to who you really are, and how you became who you are. Fascinating. Find your ancestors. It is an amazing journey, one well worth taking.
For those of you curious and if you have a Wright in your family, check out our website,
This book is based on my blog "From Glam 2 Gram". Stories are merely memories given a certain tangibility with words, and it only takes a few words to subsume a memory completely. Many have told me to write a book based on stories from my life, which, to be truthful has been quite an adventure. This blog has now become a book, "Reflexions." Click on the Book Cover on the right for the Promo Video.
And thank you for being so loyal and reading and commenting
on my blog for these many years. It was so much fun to create it,
and leave something behind that talks about my life and who I was.
Order here! My book. "Beyond 2", Strange But True Short Stories.
This is a collection of tales that are "Strange But True", based on real life experiences. Each story is different, from a different person. People who are normal, sane, who perhaps didn't believe that something like this could happen. Strange dreams. Deja vu. Shadows in the night. Premonitions of disaster. Click on the Book Cover on the Left to see the Promo Video.
The similarities are in how extraordinary the stories are. Some are about ghosts, visitations, visitors or visions, or premonitions. Do these 'story tellers' believe that such things could happen? They do now.
Come along with us, and see what you believe. The more you read, the more you will believe...
Available Now on Amazon! "The Other Side of Her Mountain"
How can you find happiness after a decade of unhappiness as a child?
This is the story of a young lady of ten years of age who must use her resilience and strength to climb out of her painful past to find a new way to live, a new way to think, a new way to love.
Her life with her parents was full of pain, of being neglected of being unimportant. Then a tragedy brings her a chance to a new beginning at the age of ten. She must climb over to the other side of the mountain to find it.
This is a fictionalized memoir of a famous writer who took her lifetime to decide to share something painful from her past, as a short autobiography. Sometimes you need to crawl up, through, and over to offer yourself a new life that even has a small chance of happiness.
Below are the links to the pages with my other book listings. You will find there:
- Fictional Thriller "The Hollow Soul" - an "explosive" novel with an "unexpected ending." You will meet Joseph Pahana, a man caught between two worlds: his mother's Native American life, and his father's 'white man's' world of politics. In one he is the natural born savios and the other he is a candidate for President. Can he make the soul-searching choice and save the world from a pending apocalypse?
- Murder Mystery Series, The Hightower Mysteries - solving crimes has no age limit. Read the series of five books about four feisty gals aged early 70s, who along with their friend retired Guy Davis, go to where the crimes take them. Meet retired PI Weezie Hightower, 'ditzy' Bitsy who still thinks she is a young beauty, grandmotherly and motherly Millie, who helps keep the 'peace' among the women, and finally Crip Cripton, a retired school teacher, who spends her days in a wheelchair, but who is funny, satirical but delightful who still 'teaches' others.
-Murder Mystery Series, the Guy Davis Mysteries - retired detective/profiler (and friends to the Hightower gals), shares three stories from his life of crime-solving. The first book takes place in Detroit, Michigan, the second in New Orleans, and the third back in his home territory of NYC. He finds his way past a personal tragedy, meets and works with an old friend, and finds himself alone with his conclusion that several suicides are actually murders. He must trust his instincts and his training and lead the way to the murderers.
And how about a short story about love? Here is a love story of two chipmunks, Chick 'N Cheek. Enjoy!!